CategoriesASP.NET Zero

What’s New in AspNet Zero 8.1.0: A Deep Dive into the Latest Features

ASP.NET Zero is a popular, ready-to-use web application framework based on ASP.NET Core and Angular. It provides a pre-built solution that developers can use to rapidly build multi-tenant, scalable, secure, and modular web applications. With the release of ASP.NET Zero 8.1.0, there are many new features and improvements that make it even better for developers.

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CategoriesASP.NET Zero

Using ASP.NET Zero with DevExtreme (Angular)

Building a Multi-Tenant Phonebook Application using ASP.NET Zero

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a sample phonebook application using ASP.NET Zero (ASP.NET Core & Angular version). Our step-by-step guide will help you create a multi-tenant, localized, authorized, configurable, and testable application.

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CategoriesASP.NET Zero

Running Load Test on ASP.NET Zero

Load testing is a crucial aspect of software development that involves modeling the expected usage of a software program by simulating multiple users accessing the program concurrently. One of the most critical parts of a website is the login/authentication endpoint. In this article, we will explore how to load test the authenticate endpoint on an ASP.NET Zero app and explain the process step by step.

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CategoriesASP.NET Zero

ASP.NET Zero Framework Overview – What is ASP.NET Zero?

ASP.NET Zero framework is a starting point for new web applications with a modern UI and SOLID architecture. ASP.NET Zero is also called a starter kit/prototype for building applications. The comprehensive source code is in the hands, which can be changed without restrictions as per the business need or an idea.

Finding the best solution for development is not an easy task, especially for customers who do not have the appropriate technical background. Therefore, we recommend you pay attention to ASP.NET Zero framework, since its use provides a number of significant advantages. In short, some key points or highpoints can be described, they are as follows:

Read more “ASP.NET Zero Framework Overview – What is ASP.NET Zero?”

CategoriesASP.NET Zero

ASP.NET Zero vs Commercial

We offer commercial support packages that come with promised response times and priority fixes for any bugs. Plus, our documentation is thorough, explaining all parts of the framework and what it can do. In the world of ASP.NET development, picking the right framework can make a difference in how well your projects turn out. Two big names in this field are ASP.NET Zero and Commercial. They both have strong features for making modern web apps. In this blog post, we’ll compare ASP.NET Zero and Commercial to help you figure out which one is best for your project.

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